XEN * This study has finished *
Full title: A multicentre study of the chemotherapy combination of bi-monthly Xeloda and Eloxatin, with the addition of Avastin, in patients with advanced colorectal cancer
Cancer type: Colorectal
Status: Closed (49 participants recruited)
Brief description:


With an increasing number of drugs available for the treatment of colorectal cancer, closer examination of the combinations of the drugs available becomes more important, particularly those drugs which show promise. Many of the current research initiatives are now directed at determining the optimal combination of these agents and other cancer treatment agents in the clinic.

In colorectal cancer the following two chemotherapy drugs have significantly impacted on treatment management – these are Capecitabine (Cape) which has the advantage of being an oral tablet, and Oxaliplatin (Ox) given as an IV infusion. In the last two years other new therapies have also emerged including one which targets vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a substance made by cells that stimulates new blood vessel formation and with this, cancer growth. This drug is called Bevacizumab (Bmab). Previous studies show that Bmab is well tolerated in patients and when combined with chemotherapy drugs, has additional survival advantages in the palliative setting.

The combination of Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin, with the targeted therapy Bevacizumab (Bmab) (one of the less toxic targeted therapies) is one which the literature suggests warrants further investigation.

The purpose of this study was to investigate this new treatment schedule for use in colorectal cancer.

Sites: ·        Auckland

·        Waikato

·        Palmerston North

·        Wellington

·        Christchurch

·        Dunedin

Lead Investigator: Professor Michael Findlay
Contact: Sarah Benge (s.benge@auckland.ac.nz)
Sponsor: UniServices
Funder: Roche
Trial Registry reference: ISRCTN41540878 (click for more details)
Ethics number: MEC/06/04/041
Publications: Findlay MP, Sharples KJ, Thompson PI, Perez DJ, Adams J, Isaacs R, Robinson B, Hinder VA, Pollard S, O’Donnell AE. A phase II study of capecitabine ©, Oxaliplatin (O) and Bevacizumab (B) using a 2-weekly schedule in previously untreated patients (ptd) with advanced, unresectable colorectal cancer (CRC) – Cancer Trials New Zealand Study 05-6. Annals of Oncology 19:129-130 Sep 2008